Instructions in English - Rotisserie de l'As

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Instructions in English

We deliver in Ste-Catherine, St-Constant, Delson, Candiac, LaPrairie et St-Philippe.
In order to navigate the site, you need to point the cursor of your mouse on each blue tab
to see the categories. Then you do down and click on the category you want.

You can click on the photos to see them bigger and close them with the  X in the right hand  corner.
You can go back to another tab by clicking on the arrow in the grey part of the top left corner.

So, to order, click on the price and this will bring you to the order page.
If you want more than one of the same order just change the amount in the square or
reorder the same thing and this will add an extra one.

To continue your order, either you use the back arrow or go down to the bottom where
you see continue your purchase (Continuez vos achats).

Do not forget to go see the options and substitutions that you want.
When making your first order, you will have to fill out the details for the client, name,
address, phone etc... but you will not have to re-enter them again in your next order.
To keep your details, please insure that you put a bookmark on the web site.

Should you notice any errors or if you have suggestions, please do not hesitate
to contact us by clicking on the blue tab marked " Contactez-nous"
Les prix des menus peuvent changer sans préavis - Photos Suggérées
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